Best Light for Your Photo Session

A Guide to the Best Light for your Photo Session
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A Guide to the Best Light for your Photo Session

Hermosa Beach Family Session

Today I am bringing you a guide to the best light for your photo session by sharing this sweet family’s gallery from their session at Hermosa Beach, CA!

This sweet family’s session is a perfect representation of how golden hour light changes within the minutes, and why it’s so important to know and have the best light for your photo session. As can be seen, this family just glows with the sunshine and shoreline. 

Think about your family session and what impression you want to portray. What can light do to help you with that? How can light tell your story?

Why is the Best Light for Your Photo Session Important?

Light is the foundation of photography. The word “photography” itself comes from the Greek words “photo,” meaning light, and “graph,” meaning to draw or write. Essentially, photography is the art of drawing with light. Here’s why finding the best light for your photo session  is crucial for photographers:

1. Exposure and Image Formation

  • Exposure: Light determines the exposure of a photograph. Proper exposure is key to capturing details in an image. Too much light results in overexposure, while too little causes underexposure, leading to loss of detail in the highlights and shadows, respectively.
  • Image Formation: Light is what allows an image to be recorded on a camera sensor or film. The amount, quality, and direction of light affect how the sensor or film reacts, forming the image.

2. Mood and Atmosphere

  • Emotional Impact: Light plays a significant role in setting the mood of a photograph. Soft, diffused light often creates a calm, serene feeling, while harsh, direct light can evoke drama and intensity. Photographers use light to convey emotions and tell stories.
  • Atmospheric Qualities: The quality of light can add atmosphere to an image. For example, the golden hour, with its warm, soft light, can make a scene feel magical, while the blue hour creates a cool, tranquil atmosphere.

3. Composition and Depth

  • Highlighting Subjects: Light directs the viewer’s attention. Photographers use light to highlight the main subject and guide the viewer’s eye through the composition.
  • Creating Depth: Light and shadow create a sense of depth in an image. By using directional light, photographers can emphasize the three-dimensionality of a subject, making the photo more dynamic and engaging.

4. Color and Texture

  • Color Rendering: The quality of light affects how colors are rendered in a photograph. Natural light at different times of the day produces various color temperatures, influencing the overall tone of an image.
  • Revealing Texture: Light can enhance or diminish texture in a photograph. Side lighting, for example, can bring out the texture of surfaces, adding richness and detail to the image.

5. Creativity and Expression

  • Experimentation: Light allows photographers to experiment and push creative boundaries. Playing with light sources, shadows, reflections, and color can lead to unique and artistic results.
  • Expression: Different lighting techniques allow photographers to express their vision. Whether it’s the soft light of a morning fog, the hard shadows of midday sun, or the ethereal glow of backlighting, light is a tool for expressing creativity.

For photographers like myself, who enjoy capturing the nuances of life, light is more than just a technical aspect—it’s a creative force that brings a vision to life. It’s what makes the whole session happen! Finding the best light for your photo session vibe is crucial!

Different Types of Light During a Golden Hour Session

You always hear photographers rave about golden hour, and there is a reason! It’s an hour where light changes dramatically faster than any part of the day, and multiple looks can be created. 

Beginning of the session: brighter (can be harsh if we start too early), more cool toned + yellow. 

Mid session: slightly more orange + hazy light. 

sunset time: soft, golden, beautiful light that makes everyone glow 

Grand finale/end of session/blue hour: blues + magentas. If we shoot on a day with dense clouds, we’ll even get beautiful shades of  purples.

What’s the Best Light for Your Photo Session?

You can get many different looks depending on the timing of the session and the best light for your photo session. I like to time my outfits according to the type of light.

  • Bright light – I usually will prompt for more playful and  lively poses, along with picking the outfit that showcases that vibe more.
  • Romantic/softer light –  I will pair the more effortless & laid back outfit to complement the tones in the sky. I will also prompt poses that feel more “lived” in and are a bit more relaxed.

The best light for your photo session is entirely up to the vibe you want to portray! Edgy, playful sessions are best in bright light, whereas romantic and intimate sessions are best in soft light (golden hour). 

Chase the Sun With Me

Wherever the sun is and whatever the best light for your photo session is, I hope you consider me to chase the sun with you for your beautiful session! 

Love, Natalie

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